
MWL Gals,

I just wanted to say a big thank you, especially to Rose at the GC store.  I live in Townsville, I specifically travelled to the GC for my appointment and I certainly wasn’t disappointed with the gowns or service.

I was recently married in Hawaii wearing the stunning Sasha dress and Chani veil.  My husband has been deployed for 7 months (comes home next week – YAY).  We were married on his mid tour break which took a fair bit of pre planning.   Our wedding ceremony happened to coincide with the day hurricane lane made landfall.   Receiving phone calls from the wedding service advising our wedding may not happen at all due to the weather.  The morning of our ceremony we had confirmation our wedding would be going ahead, however earlier in the day and with a chapel change.  All of our plans including reception were cancelled due to the hurricane.  However we remained flexible!

When I finally got my gorgeous MWL dress on everything just felt so right. With all the stress and craziness on the day, I was incredibly thankful to be able to marry the love of my life and in such a stunning dress.    We also appeared on National television across the US when we were interviewed by the Weather Channel!!

Thanks again Rose and the girls who always replied to emails professionally and friendly.

Much love,

JD x