Jess + Luke

How did you meet?

At church.

How did you know he was the one?

I think it was a gradual process of realising how much of a treasure I had stumbled upon & how much I could not live without him.

What are your three favourite attributes of your partner?

Hilarity, humility & kindness.

Where did you fall in love with your dress and why?

It was the first dress I saw online that I loved and saved. I then went on a quest of trying on dresses and was always sorely disappointed. I went to Made With Love Bridal and tried on the very first dresses I had seen online and immediately LOVED it and my mum cried saying “it’s the one”. Absolutely loved it!

Where did you go on your honeymoon?

Thailand – the perfect mix of bliss and adventure. Motorbiking everywhere to explore & daily sunset drinks our villa pool overlooking the ocean and sunset.



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Made with Love Sydney Boutique