Colleen & Jeff

How did you meet?

Jeff and I met through a mutual friend in our home town at our local bar. We even went to the same middle school but separate high schools!

When did you know he was the one?

Soon after we started dating he moved seven hours away to start a new job. We travelled back and forth a lot to see each other. We were long distance for almost two years until I was finally able to join him in the same city! His love, commitment, and trust proved that we could fight through being long distance and through all the ups and downs. He tells me all the time…”We are a team”.

Where did you fall in love with your dress and why?

I fell in love with my dress at Lovely Bride in Rochester, NY. The lace is so elegant, sophisticated, and delicate. I was a little self conscious to be trying on a fitted dress, however as soon as I put on Frankie I felt so confident and beautiful. I hope that my dress will be passed down for many generations to come!

Where did you go on your honeymoon?

We have not gone on one yet! We wanted to take some time after the wedding to let things settle down and to also spend time with family and friends. We are planning on going next summer to Ireland, Scotland, and England for our honeymoon.